North Ballarat Terminal Station and 220 to 500kV Line Upgrade

By |2021-06-29T17:23:49+10:00June 29th, 2021|

Despite mention of this in material released by AusNet, there has been no decision to upgrade the 220kV to a 500kV transmission line between Bulgana and Waubra. As part of the EES, Ausnet Services is investigating the option to increase the amount of energy unlocked in Western Victoria, by changing the voltage of the 220kV [...]

Following the Bushfires Royal Commission, why aren’t transmission lines underground?

By |2021-06-08T13:55:39+10:00May 12th, 2021|

The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements was established on 20 February 2020 in response to the extreme bushfire season of 2019-20 which resulted in devastating loss of life, property and wildlife, and environmental destruction across the nation. (Note: In both the 2009 and 2020 Royal Commission Reports, there is NO recommendation for 500kV overhead transmission lines to be placed [...]

What are the dimensions of the towers and footings?

By |2021-05-10T21:09:22+10:00May 10th, 2021|

Infrastructure specifications vary due to topography and network voltage. The approximate specifications are: Dimension of tower base: 16m x 16m for 220kV; 20m x 20m for 500kV Tower heights: 40m to 60m for 220kV; 60m to 80m for 500kV Span length: 450m to 550m for both 220kV and 500kV Pile foundation: diameter ranging from 1.5m [...]

Are there grounds for terminating the contract with AusNet?

By |2021-04-15T18:37:38+10:00April 15th, 2021|

AEMO retain the right not to proceed and reimburse AusNet Services for costs incurred. Fundamentally, the grounds for termination are that the cost of the project is not to outweigh the economic benefits to Victorian electricity consumers. (In my view, this is so subjective yet specific. How do they determine the economic impact to Victorian [...]

Is there a process where we can lodge a complaint against the poor consultation process?

By |2021-04-15T18:37:08+10:00April 15th, 2021|

AEMO treats complaints of misconduct seriously. AusNet Services, as the proponent, is required to report all project-related complaints and outcomes to AEMO as part of ongoing progress reporting. All concerns raised with AEMO will be treated confidentially in the first instance. AEMO will seek consent before sharing information with AusNet Services and/or other third parties. [...]

Towers represent added risk to firefighting efforts. Why is this corridor even being considered?

By |2021-04-15T18:36:24+10:00April 15th, 2021|

The corridor through Darley, Coimadai and Merrimu is classified as a high bushfire risk area. The dry and open nature of vegetation makes this area dangerously susceptible for fire. AusNet Services acknowledges its responsibility to understand and mitigate any increased fire risk posed by this project and designs, operates and maintains safe and reliable transmission [...]

What is the impact of underground on land use?

By |2021-04-15T18:35:33+10:00April 15th, 2021|

Overhead transmission lines have less impact on ongoing land use, giving property owners greater flexibility and the ability to do more with the land. For example, agriculture is permitted around overhead transmission lines, but not underground lines, which prohibits land uses that involve agriculture, gardens, trees and shrubs.

Murraylink represents a viable case-study. Why is the same project model not being followed?

By |2021-04-15T18:35:01+10:00April 15th, 2021|

It is important to note that the function and purpose of Murraylink is distinct to the need identified in the Western Victoria RIT-T. Murraylink is a bi-directional point-to-point transmission link connecting Victoria and South Australia. The WVTNP also has a far greater capacity than Murraylink, and multiple points of connection.

Can the EES process result in a review and redesign of the use of technology and overall project?

By |2021-04-15T18:34:35+10:00April 15th, 2021|

The Environment Effects Statement (EES) process must assess feasible alternatives. Alternatives must meet the project objectives; that is satisfy the need for the project; and ultimately to be constructed the alternatives must be economically viable. Further work is required to understand the project-specific economic costs of alternatives including undergrounding. The EES will consider the environmental [...]

The only way to mitigate impacts to the north of Darley is to avoid this area completely. Why does the northern alignment, that runs through Significant Landscape, still exist on the Project plan?

By |2021-04-15T18:34:02+10:00April 15th, 2021|

We understand the community is concerned about the visual impacts of the project. Throughout the Environment Effects Statement (EES) process the design will be revised to respond to environmental assessments and feedback from the community and other stakeholders. The avoid, minimise and mitigate hierarchy will be followed, however it should be noted that major projects, [...]

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