The current regulatory framework assesses ISP projects according to their technical and economic merit over a 20-year planning horizon to guide governments, industry and consumers on the investments needed for an affordable, secure, sustainable and reliable energy future. AEMO recognises that this framework does not currently fully consider the social and environmental factors that underpin social licence. We consider engagement on the ISP as a first step in building social licence for the energy infrastructure projects that are required to support Australia’s world-leading energy transition.
The RIT-T framework is designed to promote efficient investment in, and efficient operation and use of, electricity services for the long-term interests of electricity consumers. In effect, this means selecting the investment option that is both technically feasible and delivers the highest net economic benefit.
AEMO appreciates and acknowledges the important social, environmental, amenity, and cultural matters raised by community members in relation to the project. As the project proponent, AusNet Services is committed to delivering a project that is sensitively designed, located and constructed to minimise environmental and social impacts. The social and environmental impacts will be assessed at subsequent stages of the planning and approvals processes including as part of the Environment Effects Statement EES).