The corridor through Darley, Coimadai and Merrimu is classified as a high bushfire risk area. The dry and open nature of vegetation makes this area dangerously susceptible for fire.
AusNet Services acknowledges its responsibility to understand and mitigate any increased fire risk posed by this project and designs, operates and maintains safe and reliable transmission networks that meet Australian standards. Our Transmission Vegetation & Easements Program focuses on maintaining public safety, mitigating bushfires, ensuring network reliability and maintaining the security and accessibility of the easements and transmission network. Furthermore, we work hand-in-hand with Emergency Management Victoria and Country Fire Authority Victoria to safely manage thousands of kilometres of transmission lines in the event of fire or other emergency.
As the project proponent, AusNet Services is undertaking a rigorous and transparent assessment of bushfire risk and ensuring that any risk is minimised and managed is a key priority for the project. The project is also subject to an Environment Effects Statement (EES) process which will provide for a transparent, integrated assessment of potential environmental impacts, including fire risk. This independent process which is managed by Victoria’s Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).