High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) was considered in the early stages of the Western Victoria RIT-T. It was excluded as a credible option on the basis that it was not considered an economically feasible or technically efficient solution to reduce network congestion and unlock renewable energy resources in western Victoria. This is due to the need for multiple (minimum of four), expensive, large ‘converter stations’ to be built to integrate a HVDC solution into the existing network, which is High Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC). If HVDC were to be used, all future generators would require an above-ground converter station, too. Additional infrastructure may also be required to maintain adequate system strength.

Given the reduced flexibility for future generation connections, the cost of converter station infrastructure, and the additional system strength requirements, in this instance HVDC could not be considered technically or economically feasible under the RIT-T application guidelines. Accordingly, it was not included in market modelling as a credible option.