Letters and Petitions
To make this process quick and easy, we have prepared ready-made letters you can instantly sign online or download and post if you prefer. Feel free to edit the letters before sending. If you have a letter or petition to share, please get in touch.
Latest Letters and Petitions
These are the latest petitions. See recent petitions below, feel free to sign them too. If you sign a letter online and the email bounces back, you will need to copy and paste the text into your own email and send from your system. This may happen in a small percentage of cases.
Stop Habitat Fragmentation for New Electricity Transmission
Added: 16 August 2021
The Honourable Lily D’Ambrosio
Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change
The proposed WVTNP will have a devastating impact on biodiversity by fragmenting many established and critical habitat biolinks connecting smaller areas of islanded habitat to the larger new Wombat-Lerderderg National Park…..
Impact on the Significant Landscape of the Lerderderg State Park
Added: 23 April 2021
The Honourable Lily D’Ambrosio
Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and Solar Homes
The Honourable Richard Wynne
Minister for Planning and Housing
The Honourable Martin Pakula
Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events
The proposed northern alignment runs adjacent to major forests and parks such as Lerderderg State Park. Overhead transmission infrastructure will be visible in several areas within and near this natural asset. This would directly conflict with the tourism brand of the area and one of the key motivations to visit….
Impact on Native Habitat
Added: 07 April 2021
Hon Sussan Ley MP
Federal Minister for the Environment
The Honourable Lily D’Ambrosio
Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and Solar Homes
The Honourable Richard Wynne
Minister for Planning and Housing
Having detrimental effects on the welfare of these natural habitats will not only impact our local environments but may potentially impact environments at a regional, national and global level if species are put at risk.
Recent Letters and Petitions
Feel free to sign and send these petitions too. We will remove them when they are no longer relevant.
Increased Fire Risk and Impact on Search and Rescue
Added: 31 March 2021
The Honourable Lisa Neville
Minister for Police and Emergency Services
This letter focuses on concerns regarding the increased fire risk and the impact to search and rescue this Project will have on our community and those who choose to visit.
1001 Steps Darley
Added: 21 March 2021
The Honourable Martin Pakula
Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events
The Honourable Lily D’Ambrosio
Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and Solar Homes
The Honourable Richard Wynne
Minister for Planning and Housing
This letter addresses concern about the WVTNP’s proposed alignment and the negative impact this will have on the 1001 Steps, Bald Hill development in Darley.
Visual Impact
Added: 24 March 2021
Tara Horsnell
Planning and Environment Lead, AusNet Services
The Honourable Lily D’Ambrosio
Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and Solar Homes
The Honourable Richard Wynne
Minister for Planning and Housing
Addresses the proposed alignment and the Visual Impact this will have on Darley, Coimadi and Merrimu. References a quote by AusNet that “obviously view lines that would like that should be protected” (quoted verbatim).
Tourism Impact Lerderderg
Added: 18 March 2021
The Honourable Lily D’Ambrosio
Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and Solar Homes
The Honourable Richard Wynne
Minister for Planning and Housing
The Honourable Martin Pakula
Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events
Addresses the WVTNP Environment Effects Statement (EES) that will propose high-voltage overhead transmission lines through significant tourism areas…
Community Impacts
Added: 17 March 2021
The Honourable Lily D’Ambrosio
Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and Solar Homes
The Honourable Richard Wynne
Minister for Planning and Housing
Addresses the broad range of community concerns about the Project. All elements have contributed to a general lack of trust in AusNet and its representatives…
Closed Letters and Petitions
The following petitions are date specific and are no longer required to be signed. We have left them on the site as a record of our activity.
Mr Andrew Dyer – Community Concerns
Added: 26 March 2021
Mr Andrew Dyer
Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner
The Hon Angus Taylor MP
Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction
In the renamed position of Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner, Mr Andrew Dyer will oversee complaints and community concerns about major new transmission projects. This is a great opportunity to let him know our concerns on a local level.
REZ Development Plan – Visual Pollution
Added: 25 March 2021
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
The Honourable Lily D’Ambrosio
Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change and Solar Homes
The Honourable Richard Wynne
Minister for Planning and Housing
State Government of Victoria REZ Development Plan Directions Paper and the proposed 6 Renewable Energy Zones. Visual Pollution and Renewable Energy. Why is the Victorian Government simply trading one form of pollution for another? Undergrounding must be the solution.
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The only way to make a difference is to get involved. It’s easy to sit back and wait for others to do something but when you are staring at 75-85m towers in a few years time, you will kicking yourself for not doing something when you had the chance. This is OUR only chance to stop these towers, so get involved now.
Welcome to the home of Darley Power Fight. A group of residents in Darley, Coimadai and Merrimu, united against high voltage transmission towers passing through our backyard. We came together through the realisation the transmission line will divide a narrow corridor between Darley and the Lerderderg State Park; altering landscape character, causing widespread damage to critical habitat for threatened species, increasing fire risk to the Park and thousands of residents, destroy our visual amenity, harm local agriculture and will impact businesses and property values. It will completely desecrate, in a few years, what nature has taken millions of years to create.