Questions to Ask AusNet at the Community Drop-in Session
AusNet Community Drop-in Sessions – DARLEY
Monday 29th March Darley Park, Fitzroy & Grey St, Darley.
Drop in anytime between 2.00pm – 7.00pm
AusNet have narrowed down a broad Area of Interest to a number of corridor options for further investigation and consultation. AusNet are asking for our feedback on these options as they work towards identifying a single corridor and a final route.
We have to voice our concerns and be heard so the proposed northern alignment is removed from the Project plan.
Meet the AusNet team, learn more about the project, ask questions, tell them your concerns and make sure you are heard.
You may have only just head about this project or feel reluctant to voice your concerns. To make things easier, we have put together a list of suggested questions which highlight important community concerns and the impact of the proposed alignment between Darley and the Lerderderg State park.
What upsets you the most? Focus on what is important to you. and be sure to let them know.

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The only way to make a difference is to get involved. It’s easy to sit back and wait for others to do something but when you are staring at 75-85m towers in a few years time, you will kicking yourself for not doing something when you had the chance. This is OUR only chance to stop these towers, so get involved now.
Welcome to the home of Darley Power Fight. A group of residents in Darley, Coimadai and Merrimu, united against high voltage transmission towers passing through our backyard. We came together through the realisation the transmission line will divide a narrow corridor between Darley and the Lerderderg State Park; altering landscape character, causing widespread damage to critical habitat for threatened species, increasing fire risk to the Park and thousands of residents, destroy our visual amenity, harm local agriculture and will impact businesses and property values. It will completely desecrate, in a few years, what nature has taken millions of years to create.